Failing Economy Shutters 525 Magazines in 2008
More than 525 US magazines ceased publication in 2008, and 40 have already folded in 2009 as the downturn in the economy continues to heavily impact most forms of print media, according to...
View ArticleAffluents’ Anxieties Differ by Age, Income
Affluent Americans are most worried about the economy, healthcare, and unemployment/jobs, but their levels of concern – about these issues and others – vary widely by age, gender and income, finds a...
View ArticleWomen Over 55 Take Facebook by Storm
The number of US women over age 55 using Facebook grew by 175.3% since September 2008, making mature females one of the fastest growing demographic groups on the social network, according to usage...
View ArticleTop 10 Automotive-Classifieds Websites – January 2009
Note: The Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise sample of 10 million...
View ArticleTop 10 Telecom Websites – January 2009
Note: The Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise sample of 10 million...
View ArticleTop 10 Real Estate Websites – January 2009
Note: The Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise sample of 10 million...
View ArticleDog-Show Watchers Buy Pet Supplies Online
American consumers who tuned into this week’s 133rd Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on TV are more likely to be women, to have pets themselves, and to buy treats for those pets online,...
View ArticleAgency Squeezes, Cost Cutting Rise in Worse-than-Expected Market
Marketers are cutting costs, putting pressure on agencies to do more with less, and reducing budgets much more than they were six months ago, according to a survey from the Association of National...
View ArticleTop 10 Automotive Online Advertisers by Image-Based Impressions – January 2009
Note: Nielsen Online, AdRelevance service uses a proprietary methodology for estimating online advertising expenditures and only takes into account image-based technologies and advertising sold per...
View ArticleDespite Flat Growth Projections, 67% of PR Pros Still Optimistic
Nearly two-thirds of surveyed US public relations firms reported revenue growth in 2008, but projections this year for the industry as a whole are expected to be flat, according to a survey of firm...
View ArticleGrowing Interest in Widgets, Web-TV Features Drives US Adoption
A growing appetite for video-on-demand (VoD) libraries and customizable widgets that are accessible through TV sets will pave the way for adoption of such enhanced video services in the US, according...
View ArticleSix in 10 Women Claim Financial Independence
Nearly six in ten (58%) women across 12 countries believe themselves to be financially independent, and the highest percentage of financially autonomous women are in France, according to a survey...
View ArticleCMO Survey: Traditional Branding is ‘Broken’
An overwhelming majority (87%) of US CMOs and marketing managers believe that branding initiatives need to be more flexible today than in the past, and 63% think traditional brand positioning and...
View ArticleTop 10 Sports Websites – January 2009
Note: The Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise sample of 10 million...
View ArticleTop 10 House and Garden Websites – January 2009
Note: The Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Hitwise sample of 10 million...
View ArticleYouTube Tops 100M Viewers, Fuels 15% Online Video Jump
Led by a strong surge in YouTube viewers, internet users in the US viewed 14.8 billion online videos during January, up 4% from December 2008, according to data from comScore Video Metrix. (more…)
View ArticleGlobal Smartphones to Hit 300M by 2013
Approximately 23% of all new mobile phones will be smartphones by 2013, up from 13% in 2008, according to data from Juniper Research, which reports that smartphones continue to account for a growing...
View ArticleReluctant Shoppers Increase Due Diligence
Nearly half of all online shoppers (48%) plan to spend less this year, but a majority of those who are reluctant to make certain purchases (61%) are more apt to be positively influenced by online...
View ArticleSocNet Ads Not Relevant to 81% of Millennials
Though an overwhelming majority (84%) of Millennial internet users notice ads on social networks, only 19% find them relevant, and 36% claim they never to click on them, according to research from the...
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